Kiran Kapur
Kiran Kapur is CEO at Cambridge Marketing College, a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of CIM. She has worked predominately in Financial Services with expertise in customer relationship marketing and customer communications. As a consultant, she has worked as a project manager with companies including Liverpool Victoria, Barclays, London Life and Cazenove. She presents the College's weekly marketing podcast in association with Star Radio.
Friday 11th Nov
The Power of Podcasting for Building your Brand
Podcasting Expert and CEO of Cambridge Marketing College, Kiran Kapur reveals how you can harness the power of podcasting to build brand authority for your business. The real strength of podcasting for brands lies in harnessing the power of audio storytelling to evoke and engage the emotions of listeners. Through podcasting, brands can communicate what they stand for directly to an audience, building a long-lasting relationship that is based on shared values and a shared storytelling experience.